Variety Trial Update – Feb 2019

Great day at the Variety Trial Field Day near Keith – 27th Feb. Almost 60 people attended to see how well the crop looks. After, speakers covered more stats from the trial, water unbundling, the area sown to certified seed this year and the latest satellite technology which can make your farm more profitable. Thanks everyone for coming and a special thanks to all those who contributed to make the afternoon worthwhile.

Aerial photos showing the difference between the trial bays reflecting the different watering regime.(The palest bay is the driest)

Variety Trial Update - February 2019 - Change in growth from 24th December to 10th January

Change in growth from 24th December to 10th January

If you are interested in the soil moisture levels and weather conditions at the site click on these links:

Flowering looks good and seed set is underway.

Variety Trial Update - February 2019

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